Mulianya Ibu Rumah Tangga
Saya Membayangkan
Siapa sebenarnya yang belajar?
Jelas, menyiapkan anak untuk mencapai beberapa ukuran umum tentang sukses tersebut tidaklah mudah.
Meminta anak untuk rajin belajar saja tidaklah cukup. Orang tua perlu memberikan contoh bagaimana bekerja dengan rajin itu.
Meminta anak untuk shalat dengan rajin dan sesuai waktunya itu juga tidak cukup. Orang tua perlu lebih dulu menunaikan shalat yang juga sesuai waktu.
Diplomat total, tinjauan ulang diplomasi total
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gambar pinjam dari www.getentrepreneurial.com |
Setidaknya ke depan, diplomat dapat perlahan mengikis sebutan kurang sedap itu dan menggantinya dengan sebutan yang lebih membanggakan. Bukan mustahil sebutan itu berganti menjadi ”master of many”. Itulah mengapa bukan hanya diplomasi yang perlu total, namun juga diplomatnya. Tidak mudah memang, namun jelas, itu bukan tidak mungkin.
It is not my lucky number
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ilustration by me |
Pandangan Menlu tentang Diplomasi dan TIK
- Informasi merupakan bahan baku utama kebijakan
- Paradox of plenty
- Background noise
- Diplomat dengan kemampuan assessment
- Transparansi vs kerahasiaan
Optimalisasi Diplomasi via TIK
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photo: www.nicelylaptops.blogspot.com |
Diplomasi pun menjadi pekerjaan yang semakin dinamis, kompleks dan rumit. Apalagi, kondisi tersebut terjadi di tengah perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang demikian gesit dan progressif.
Sederhana dalam Kerumitan
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photo: klepto dari www.buzzle.com |
Ulang Tahun itu Duka
Kata Nabi, ”umur umatku di antara 60 ke 70 tahun, tidak banyak yang melebihi itu.”
Mematok usia nabi sebagai alarm hidup di dunia mungkin terlalu optimis. Apalagi, bersandar ke usia harapan hidup orang Indonesia.
Untungnya, optimisme itu bisa diredam alarm lainnya. Bahwa, sudah cukup banyak teman sebaya yang wafat lebih dulu. Dengan begitu, saya tidak pantas pongah bisa berusia sepanjang Rasulullah. Kenyataannya, kematian memang bisa datang kapan saja.
Tipe-tipe Facebooker
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Ilustrasi: Me |
- Alayer
- Spiritualist
- Galauer
- Motivator
- Trader
- News Maker
- Updater
- Observer
- Commentator
- Exhibitioner
- Reporter
- Philosopher
- Joker
Rukun Facebook ada lima
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photo: http://www.telegraph.co.uk |
- Curhatlah pada orang yang tepat
- Berpikir seribu kali untuk posting apapun
- Facebook itu cermin
- Wall dan Inbox itu beda
- Berdoalah dalam kesendirian
When a "King" is Tweeting

It should not always be something big

Each year, everyone celebrate this, the New Year. And by the end of a year, each one of us comes with the same question, “what I have done this year?” Some of us feel blessed, happy or disappointed.
Just a few days ago, I went back home from the office with my friend by train. A minute before we separated, he told me that at the end of each year he felt disappointed for not having any achievement.
Just before saying that question, he told me some stories of his friend big successes. One of his friends is now pursuing PhD in the
I thought that was a quite kicking question. Then as he left me, I had been thinking of the same thing, “what I had done this year?”
After wondering myself, then I came up with this thought.
When we think about an achievement, perhaps, we usually come up with the same conception that it should be something big. Well, I said, definitely it should not always be that way….
An achievement is every single thing that we have done toward a progress. It isn’t necessarily big, enormous, tremendous or excellent. It should be very personal and detail.
Achievements, just to mention a few, are to be able for not coming late at the office as well as for not coming late at home; to replace the baby’s diapers better; to generate and donate more money for other people, even tough it was just a penny; to attend friend’s wedding more frequent than the previous year; to organize files better; to call parents more frequent; to wake up earlier; and to park car better.
‘Big Achievements’ of course are really tempting. Unfortunately, the fact is, not everyone could have such a big achievement. Considering this; there are only small numbers of positions available for high ranking officials; not everybody have adequate spare time spent to write a books. Therefore, achievement itself needs specific and special circumstances. That is why not every one could achieve it.
Despite focusing on such big achievements, why don’t we take a look at to our ‘small’ achievements which we really need a lot of efforts to achieve it? I am sure, putting back book we read to its book-case is not an easy job for those who are used to put their book at any places. So, I believe, putting back book to its case after reading it is an achievement.
If we are willing to be more attentive, focus and appreciative to our small achievements, we will always be grateful for every years that we had passed through. Moreover, we definitely will always be thankful to God for every ‘little’ thing He gave.
Well then, happy New Year! Wishing us all the best for this coming year, 2012!