Following or to be followed. That is the spell of Twitter.
Personally, until now, I don’t like to tweet. I think, it is a kind of talking too much which is sometimes less in meaning. Talking too much is also vulnerable of slip of tongue and wrongdoing.
Communication is irreversible. Once a message is sent, its effect can’t be remove or even reduced. Even tough, we apologized for any wrong messages we had shared.
Until this news grabbed my intention. Rupert Murdoch has a twitter account!
He is a world class media magnate. He has been listed many times in Times and Forbes as one of the richest and most influential person in the US and even in the world. His influence passes over his eighty years old of age.
Social media has been associated with the young generation. Therefore, news is just created when a quite old man with powerful magnitude uses a social media to get him more connected to the world.
He personally knows the power and magnitude for being a twitter man. In one of his earliest 24 tweets Rupert Murdoch noted, "I'm getting killed for fooling around here and friends frightened what I may really say."

It reminds me of Ali bin Abi Thalib’s , one of the earliest Moslem’s leaders, message, “unzur maa qoola wa laa tandzur man qaala.” Observe what is said and don’t observe who says it.
The Murdoch phenomena and similar cases clearly negate Ali’s message. Most people clearly tend to only pay more attention to those with power, fame, and influence. One of the reasons, only those people who really are newsy.
So, if we don’t have big number of followers on our Twitter account, it is crystal clear tells us that we are not yet famous, powerful or influential. Thus, don’t ask someone to follow us either! J